The Entreprenari programme is the framework of action for  BIC GIPUZKOA and the UPV/EHU, Gipuzkoa Campus, which facilitates/enables the processes of the Transfer of Technology and Knowledge to the market via the Creation of Innovative and/or Science/Technology-based Companies and specific knowledge-intensive companies, through:

Who is it aimed at?

The Programme is structured around the following lines of action:

  • To motivate and support the generation of entrepreneurial attitudes through raising awareness and motivating the university collective. Motivation seminars and specific conferences are organised, dealing with the creation of innovative and/or science/technology-based companies.
  • To promote the generation of ideas and the search for needs that give rise to new business initiatives that have great value for the market.

For this purpose, it is proposed that research groups/researchers engage in commercial and technological value processes with experts in the field of the corresponding activity.