The Entreprenari programme is the framework of action for BIC GIPUZKOA and the UPV/EHU, Gipuzkoa Campus, which facilitates/enables the processes of the Transfer of Technology and Knowledge to the market via the Creation of Innovative and/or Science/Technology-based Companies and specific knowledge-intensive companies, through:
For this purpose, it is proposed that research groups/researchers engage in commercial and technological value processes with experts in the field of the corresponding activity.
Representa el marco de actuación de BIC GIPUZKOA y la UPV/EHU, Campus de Gipuzkoa, que facilita/posibilita los procesos de Transferencia de Tecnología y Conocimiento al mercado vía la Creación de Empresas Innovadoras y/o de Base Científica- Tecnológica y empresas intensivas en conocimiento específico.
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