Analysis of the proposal’s degree of maturity and the development of the business project.
If it is felt that the business project has prospects, they will move on to the phase entailing support for the creation of companies.
New technology-based innovative companies entail a significant risk, which is tied to technological and market uncertainties. In order to minimise these risks, the preliminary processes that are necessary to achieve maturity in this type of initiative have taken on particular importance. That is why services must be designed correctly, to meet all the technical, economic and support infrastructure needs.
After an initial meeting, in which the person/team presents their project to us, a process of analysis will commence to evaluate its suitability. The process is undertaken in the utmost confidentiality. If the project is deemed to have prospects, we will move on to the following stages.
Evaluation questionnaire, completed by the project team/person.
Search for additional information and/or to reinforce the key aspects.
Evaluation of the project by the Entreprenari technical team, supported by experts when necessary.
The new company will need to be correctly defined if it is to be successful. It is crucial to identify a clear value proposal for the market and to prepare a Business Plan that will attract investors and clients.
We manage the ekintzaile/Txekintek aid offered by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the Basque Government Department of Industry, which may be as much as 60,000 €.
A personal tutor is assigned to each project, who will assist with the process.
Access to experts in different fields.
Availability of space and work facilities.
Resources: access to sources of information, data bases…
Recruitment in entrepreneurship for the purposes of training the initiative promoters in management.
Support in this stage entails:
Search for funding / investors.
Management of public-private aid or grants.
Identification and negotiation with potential partners.
Physical space in which the company can be located (incubator) and attached services.
Support in the second round of funding.
Expert advice.
Bringing together contacts/collaborators.
Representa el marco de actuación de BIC GIPUZKOA y la UPV/EHU, Campus de Gipuzkoa, que facilita/posibilita los procesos de Transferencia de Tecnología y Conocimiento al mercado vía la Creación de Empresas Innovadoras y/o de Base Científica- Tecnológica y empresas intensivas en conocimiento específico.
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